Idaho Senator Mike Crapo Responds to WHO & UN Concerns (posted 10/05/24)

We recently wrote and called Idaho Senator Mike Crapo with our concerns about proposed changes to the International Health Regulations at the World Health Organization (WHO) and mismanagement by the United Nations (UN). We’ve published his excellent response below and encourage all readers to respectfully but firmly insist that your own state and federal legislators exit the WHO, UN, and all related organizations. And if they provide the response you want, be sure to call their offices and express your appreciation.


__________ Senator Crapo’s Letter __________

[address redacted]

Dear [name redacted]:

Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding proposed changes to the International Health Regulations at the World Health Organization (WHO) and mismanagement by the United Nations (UN). I share your concerns and welcome this opportunity to respond.

I adamantly oppose relinquishing our sovereign to any foreign entity, including the WHO and UN. Frequently, international programs and objectives are not in alignment with U.S. national interests and, while I support good relations between nations, I oppose treaties and arrangements that would bind America to values that conflict with our own. Even during a global public health emergency like the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting Americans’ individual freedoms and liberties must remain paramount.

H.R. 1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, passed the U.S. House of Representatives on September 11, 2024, and has been referred to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. As you mentioned in your correspondence, this measure does not include specific language addressing health decisions by the UN. If an amendment clarifying the UN’s role in international health agreements is considered for this legislation, I will keep your support in mind.

In recent months, the UN has unveiled its “Summit of the Future” agenda and Pact for the Future program goals. While the agenda was finalized on September 25, 2024, the UN Charter specifically states that it cannot intervene in matters which are within the domestic jurisdiction of any country unless authorized by that respective country. I will oppose any efforts for the U.S. to authorize any such supersession of our sovereignty and laws. To that end, should the international community face a global crisis, protecting Americans’ individual freedoms and liberties must remain paramount.

Relatedly, I am a co-sponsor of S. 444, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, which would classify any agreements resulting from the current WHO pandemic convention process a treaty subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. I am also a co-sponsor of S.Res. 81, the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Implementation Resolution, which would require Senate approval for any future pandemic-related response proposals the U.S. might join. Most recently, I co-sponsored S. 4937, the Defending American Sovereignty in Global Pandemics Act, which also ensures Senate approval before the U.S. assumes any financial obligations under any WHO agreements. These measures have all been referred to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where they await further consideration.

The U.S. has been one of the WHO’s top donors, and I have serious concerns with continuing this funding. As our country struggles with unsustainable debt, it is imperative we work to eliminate wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars. I will continue to oppose American subordination to the WHO and support efforts to assert U.S. sovereignty in international relations both through legislation and the appropriations process.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughtful observations with me as it is essential for me to know of the concerns of all Idahoans.  Please feel free to contact me in the future on matters of interest to you.  You can also find more information about what is going on in the U.S. Senate as well as news releases, photos and other items at my Senate website, .


Mike Crapo

United States Senator


Oct 5
1:06 PM