Rare Behavior of Hurricane Milton Puts Weather Modification Conversation Back on the Table. By Jefferey Jaxen (10/09/24)

Jaxen provides an excellent summary of weather modification over the past 80 years. Maybe all the devastation in the Southeast and the wildfires in the West will bring legislators, lobbyists, and corporatists to their senses that we MUST stop meddling with Mother Nature. We can only hope!

Key points:

Milton’s rare behavior preceded by Helene’s upward turn of destruction into the interior of the Southern United States have many speculating if weather modification was involved.

While the mainstream media denies this possibility, weather modification has been going on in the United States for nearly 80 years.

Brief Summary:

  • Project Cirrus 1947 — Collaboration of the General Electric Corporation, the US Army Signal Corps, the Office of Naval Research, and the US Air Force. A B-17 flew alongside the hurricane and dropped crushed dry ice into the clouds.

  • National Hurricane Research Project 1961 — Navy aircraft dropped silver iodide into Hurricane Esther.

  • Project Stormfury 1962 - 1971 — Ben Livingston seeded clouds and dramatically increased rainfall, creating muddy roads for Vietnamese and Korean troops.

  • Project Popeye during Vietnam War —Secret military operation in North Vietnam and Laos used ‘improved cloud seeding techniques’ applied on a sustained basis to continue rainfall through the normal dry season.

  • United Nations 1976 — Resolution “…not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to another State party.”

  • 1980s and 1990s — Global weather viewed essentially as an electrical system to be manipulated. This theory formed the basis for new technologies.

  • 1993 — High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was part of the military’s Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) technologies. Several patents resulted, including Patent #4,686,605, "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere”

  • 2016 — Former CIA director John Brennan revealed a plan to “fight climate change” using “an array of technologies, often referred to collectedly as geoengineering.”

  • While new technologies are being developed and used, public-facing discussions focus on old tech such as stratospheric aerosol injection.

  • Biden administration — Research funding includes marine cloud brightening (Bill Gates also is working on this.) Cloud brightening involves spraying massive amounts of aerosols, one of several ideas to push solar energy back into space. These techniques go by many names, including solar radiation modification (SRM), solar geoengineering, or climate intervention.


Any effort to manipulate climate or weather patterns could change climatic patterns in unpredictable ways with unpredictable consequences.

Evidence of weather-manipulation is hard to prove. However, decades of irrefutable evidence of weather modification in the face of today’s open questions bears further investigation, not dismissal by corporate media.

The real story today is the lack of federal assistance (and blocking of help from civilians) to hurricane survivors along with FEMA’s admission that they lack funds to help — despite a DHS inspector finding unused billions within the agency’s budget plus vast amounts of money misdirected to assist illegal immigrants.

Rare Behavior of Hurricane Milton Puts Weather Modification Conversation Back on the Table
Oct 9
12:31 PM