Navy Whistleblower - Blows lid off DMED lies and cover-up (10/05/24, video 01:04)…


DMED stands for Defense Medical Epidemiology Database.

The purpose of the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) is to provide authorized users a tool to query active component service member personnel and medical event data. It standardizes the epidemiologic methodology used to collect, integrate and analyze Tri-Service personnel and medical event data, and allows remote access to user-definable queries of a subset of Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) data (non-privacy).

Authorized users are U.S. military personnel (DoD CAC users) with a need to view or evaluate the health of active component service members. It is also available to federal partners and civilian collaborators in military health surveillance operations and medical research with a verified need for access.

The DMED application can be accessed from the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch's (AFHSB) website at

DMED Lies & Cover-Up

Mainstream media has ignored or gaslighted stories about the wiping of the DMED database regarding COVID-19 shot adverse events on military. Here is one whistleblower video posted on X by :…

Text from the X post:

On November 27, 2023, I [Navy Whistleblower Mace] posted this video here on X, and within 24 hours, I was ordered by my commanding officer to remove it, so I did. It had already been saved by thousands around the world, and it was too late for the military "leadership" to put the cat back into the bag. No legitimate explanation was ever given for why they wanted it removed.

By the end of the week, my computer access was taken away. It was never restored.

The commanding officer, in communications that did not involve me, said that she wouldn't restore it because I wasn't trustworthy.

CAPT Sharon House claimed I wasn't trustworthy but the DoD, the government, and every military leader who was given this information (including and have chosen not to act should be trusted? These people want to hide these things from the public, and I am untrustworthy for trying to expose the data.

CAPT House, ADM Franchetti, what you and your cronies and overlords wanted was for me to be loyal to all of you by hiding this damning information from the world. In that case, you are correct, you can not trust me to do that.

My allegiance lies with the people, the nation, the Constitution, and, above all, God. Now, these are the only authorities fit to give me any order.

Enjoy my retirement!


Oct 11
1:11 PM