AND MAGAZINE — The Great Walz Of China Is A Mortal Danger To Us All. By Sam Faddis (10/07/24)

Faddis opens by saying:

Law Enforcement Today is reporting that an anonymous source has provided new highly disturbing information about Governor Tim Walz’s financial disclosures and the ongoing House Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s investigation of Walz’s 30 trips to Communist China. According to the whistleblower the House Committee has found that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) paid for all of these trips.

He then provides details of Walz’s financial and other ties with the CCP, even while also serving in the National Guard with a nuclear-capable field artillery unit.


Walz made clear his position on Communism when he defined it this way in a 1991 lecture. "It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares. The doctor and the construction worker make the same. The Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and 14 kg or about 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing."

Communism means slave labor camps, forced organ harvesting, and soul-sucking oppression. It means the literal erasure of Tibetan culture. It means corruption on an almost unimaginable scale. It means a thuggish Chinese Communist Party hell-bent on world domination and the enslavement of humanity.

But, that’s not what Walz sees. Whether because he has been bought or because he is just hopelessly naïve he sees the future, and he apparently wants that future for all of us. We cannot afford to let this man anywhere near the White House. The Great Walz of China is a mortal danger to us all.


Faddis’ closing paragraphs say everything you need to know about what Tim Walz will bring to America if he and Kamala Harris are elected in November. Remember, the VP is a heartbeat away from taking the Presidency, and it very well could happen given previous rearrangements of Democrat chess pieces at the highest levels of politics. 

PLEASE VOTE CAREFULLY on November 5 (even if you don’t like DJT's mean tweets and rough New Yawk accent).
The Great Walz Of China Is A Mortal Danger To Us All
Oct 12
1:28 PM