IDAHO Elections: Voter Guide for Bonner and Boundary Counties. Vote NO on Prop 1. By Scott Herndon (10/11/24)

Scott Herndon has important messages for voters in Idaho’s Bonner and Boundary Counties, including:

  • Out-of-state money is trying to pass Ranked Choice Voting in Colorado, Montana, Nevada and Idaho. In Idaho, this is Prop 1. VOTE NO!!!!!

  • Proposition 1 would:

    1) Cancel the party primary elections in May and replaces them with a Top 4 primary system.

    2) Install Ranked Choice Voting at every future general election.

    3) Require Idaho to purchase automated voting systems from a company like Dominion Voting Systems.

    4) Threaten election integrity.

  • How You Can DEFEAT Prop 1.

  • What about Scott Herndon’s Idaho Senate seat?

    Herndon lost in the primary to Jim Woodward, who lied about Herndon’s records as well as his own.

    • DO NOT vote for Jim Woodward and DO NOT WRITE IN Scott Herndon. That won’t work.

    • Vote instead for Independent Dan Rose whose website and background give every indication that he is the real deal for conservatives. Dan Rose’s website:

Oct 12
10:01 PM