Federal Directive 5240.01 Newly Expanded to Allow Lethal Use of Military Force Against Citizens (posted 10/14/24, updated 10/15/24)
Federal Directive 5240.01: esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/…
Hohman: leohohmann.substack.com…
Chilling Harris video clip (posted 10/09/24, 48 sec): twitter.com/realJoelFis…
Green Med Info: greenmedinfo.com/conten…
InfoWars: infowars.com/posts/dod-…
In a concerning development with timing so close to the election, a longstanding Federal Directive — 5240.01 — was expanded on 09/27/24 to allow lethal use of military force against citizens. Make of it what you will.
Key Takeways
InfoWars article linked above (edited):
Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5240.01 became effective 09/27/24.
5240.01 expanded the authority of the DoD to assist in domestic law enforcement and use lethal force, although assassinations are forbidden.
Green Med Info reported that the 2016 version of the directive did not mention ‘lethal force’ but rather centered around intelligence gathering.
Page 13 of the Directive discussed the levels of authority necessary for various domestic military activities.
“Defense Intelligence Components may provide personnel to assist a Federal department or agency, including a Federal law enforcement agency, or a State or local law enforcement agency when lives are in danger, in response to a request for such assistance, in accordance with the following approval authorities.”
Page 13 also discusses various activities, including the use of lethal force, which must have Secretary of Defense approval.
Leo Hohman article linked above (quoted or slightly edited statements are below):
Pentagon issues Federal Directive allowing military to use ‘lethal force’ against Americans as video resurfaces showing Kamala fantasizing about weaponizing DOJ against U.S. citizens.
The timing of Federal Directive 5240.01 is interesting in light of the upcoming election and the government's narrative about right wing extremists being the 'biggest threat' to US national security.
Federal Directive 5240.01 is a treasonous abuse of power.
🆕 Updates added 10/15/24:
The federal government has been colluding with the major social media platforms to censor conservative content and then claiming that it’s not a violation of the First Amendment because a private company is doing the censoring.
The federal government has outsourced censorship to the private sector, as they also did with many Covid vaccine mandates.
The goal is to require a biometric digital ID for all internet users at the ISP level. In this scheme, you won’t be able to log onto the internet without submitting your digital ID credentials proving you are obedient to the state (similar to Chinese social credit systems).
And there’s more.
What Can We Do?
Watch the video posted above! Do you want this for our country? Some short-term solutions:
Vote for Trump / Vance and help them put the US military and DOJ back into their proper lanes. IGNORE MEDIA LIES and MEAN TWEETS!
Vote for Constitutional local sheriffs who will stand between the citizens and government overreach. In Idaho, these include:
Ada County: Elect Doug Traubel
Boise County: Re-Elect Scott Turner
Owyhee County: Re-Elect Larry Kendrick
Kootenai County: Re-Elect Bob Norris
🆕 Keep Cash Alive! Resist digital money, QR Codes, digital ID (including REAL-ID, previously discussed here substack.com/profile/68…)
STOP REAL ID — Urgent Action Needed!
AAPS Alert (10/08/24):
Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom:
Stand for Health Freedom (petition, added 10/12/24): standforhealthfreedom.c…