Stealing young lives! Myocarditis and the COVID Shots. Dr. Mary Talley Bowden (10/15/24, article and podcast 57:01)…

Sudden Death

While many countries have stopped recommending COVID shots for children and adolescents, the US continues to do so — despite safety signals and studies showing an increased risk of myocarditis in children who receive these shots. Currently, the CDC recommends all children should receive three mRNA shots before the age of nine months.

Dr. Bowden interviews DJ Heller, whose son Davis died suddenly and unexpectedly at age 21. An all-star athlete (and good guy), Davis was required to get the COVID shots to play for the University of Alabama baseball team. Although his cardiologist recommended against the shots and wrote Davis an exemption letter, the University refused the exemption, Davis reluctantly took the shot, and then died nine months later of “sudden cardiac arrest.”


  • Davis Heller Foundation: davishellermemorialfoun…

  • Study from England:…

    Effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents. Study involved 820,926 previously unvaccinated adolescents and compared “vaccination” with no “vaccination” groups. Results showed only transient benefits of the COVID shots to reduce testing positive for COVID. No patients died regardless of “vaccination” status. However, myocarditis and pericarditis were seen ONLY in the children who received the COVID shots.

Cancer Care

Dr. Bowden also discussed a recent study from Dr. William Makis and Dr. Paul Marik:…

Examines alternative therapies for cancer patients using dietary modifications, supplements, and repurposed drugs such as ivermectin, fenbendazole, and mebendazole.

  • Related Substack Note on Cancer:

William Makis MD Cancer Treatment Protocol Announces Peer Reviewed Paper (10/13/24, updated 10/15/24)…

Oct 19
3:00 PM