Pediatric Perspectives: Allopathic Medicine Misses Root Causes. With host Dr. Paul Thomas and guest Ken Stoller, MD. (10/26/24, video 40:41 includes transcript)

Conventional doctors may be a modern version of the quack “bloodletters” of primitive times. Pediatrician Ken Stoller, M.D. makes the case that modern allopathic medicine  “became the tool of a death cult.” Drs. Thomas and Stoller ask and answer:

  • How did allopathic vs homeopathic medicine develop?

  • How does modern healthcare exacerbate illness and mask symptoms, rather than treat root causes?

  • What are the roles of vaccines and gluten in autism?

  • How is Lyme Disease related to Alzheimer’s?

  • Can fetal alcohol syndrome be cured?

  • What causes allergies, ear infections, and asthma in children?

  • How can hyperbaric oxygen treat disease?

  • What natural solutions exist for global disease epidemics?

  • What simple steps most likely will ensure healthy children and adults?

  • And more that’s well worth your time.

Resources (linked in show notes)

  • Incurable Me

  • Dr. K. P. Stoller, MD, Emeritus Medical Director , Pro Oxygen, Taos, NM

Oct 28
11:51 AM