Letter to Dads. Written by my friend, Graham Brownstein, an attorney. By Sasha Latypova (11/01/24)


The following quotes say everything! Please read and share Graham Brownstein’s heartfelt plea to Dads (and Moms) to STOP VACCINATING.

He knows what he’s talking about: His kid is severely vaccine injured because he failed to listen to his wife’s pleas NOT to vaccinate her…

I am writing this to my fellow dads for one reason: to convince you to stop pushing for your children to be injected with vaccines. Whatever you think you are doing, the tragic truth is that you are maiming, sterilizing and killing your kids. You are decimating your family line. Please stop before it is too late.

Stop pushing “immunization” and “vaccination” shots on your kids. There are no “good shots.” They are all bad. Please do not dismiss that last sentence; let it sink in. None of the “vaccine” or “immunization” shots are beneficial. All that they present to your child is risk of physical harm, possibly serious or even life-threatening, with no therapeutic or health-supporting benefits.


The horrible fact that I participated in the chronic harming of my child is the greatest regret of my life. I will spend the rest of my days working to make this right and also working to stop the great poisoning of our kids. If I can help stop even just one more dad from pushing this dangerous madness and hurting the people we are supposed to protect, then I will sleep better.

I implore you, man-to-man, father-to-father, please stop poisoning your kids.

The article contains several good references. Here are a bunch more:

  • Vaccine Facts & Coverups, China / Pharma / Globalist Involvement, Informed Consent:

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