Financial Rebellion — Reject Real ID, Avoid QR Codes. Hosts: Catherine Austin Fitts, Polly Tommey, Carolyn Betts, Esq. Guest Twila Brase RN, PhN (10/24/24, video 01:01:18 includes transcript). Updated 11/05/24


Digital identification is now expected in order to buy and sell, travel and work, get an education, receive medical care and do just about anything else. Would you really consider your personal information to be private and protected? (ANSWER: NO!)

Twila Brase, Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts discuss these modern surveillance technologies.


  1. REAL ID and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) are closely linked.

  2. Resisting REAL ID, QR Codes, and CBDC is critically important to saving our liberty and avoiding a slave system.

  3. REAL ID is being enacted surreptitiously. Many don’t even realize they have a REAL ID driver's license — look for a star in the upper right corner.

  4. REAL ID will evolve into a Chinese-style social credit system that assembles ALL our personal/ medical/ financial information on a “convenient” phone app. The phone app likely will be hackable, making all our private information vulnerable.

  5. Currently, REAL ID is not required, but they are trying to mandate it — we must resist!

  6. Once we’re locked into the system, the powers that be can shut off our finances, directly remove our income tax, prevent us from traveling, etc.

  7. This system is unconstitutional and we must resist it. Do Not Comply.


  1. WATCH this episode of Financial Rebellion, one of many excellent interviews with the Solari Team (more here live.childrenshealthdef…)!

  2. Reject all forms of REAL ID, including “Star Card” drivers licenses.

  3. DO NOT use QR Codes — ever!

  4. DO use cash — anytime that you can.

  5. DITCH smart phones — use less-hackable less-trackable “dumb” phones.

    Sample search:

  6. REMEMBER — if computers and internet go down, tangible assets such as cash, gold, and silver may be your only payment options.

RESOURCES (linked in show notes)

  • Techno-Hell: TSA Rolls Out 'Voluntary' Face Scans At Over A Dozen American Airports

  • Citizens' Council For Health Freedom

  • CCHF Public Comment On REAL ID (Docket NO. TSA 2023-0003 / RIN 1652-AA77) - Citizens' Council For Health Freedom

  • Stop Using QR Codes

  • HB 1663 - FN

  • Exposing IDEMIA | The Push For National Biometric IDs In America

  • American Association Of Motor Vehicle Administrators | Minimum Standards Doe Driver's Licenses And Identification Cards Acceptable By Federal Agencies For Official Purposes

  • Leader In Biometrics And Cryptography | IDEMIA

  • Cancellation Of Certificates Of Title And 100% EConveyancing

  • Kabi Kabi People Recognised As Native Title Holders On The Sunshine Coast

  • Toobeah Freehold Land Transfer To Indigenous Corporation Approved

  • Native Title Law Database

  • Solari - Subscribe

REAL ID and Drivers Licenses

Starting May 7, 2025, a Star Card / REAL ID lets you fly commercially or enter a federal building, national laboratory, or military base.

If you don’t have a Star Card by May 7, 2025, you’ll need a passport or other acceptable documents instead.


Other states, check with your DMV for details: Map

If you have an Idaho Star Card and no longer want it, here’s what to do (Source: Idaho Department of Transportation Customer Service 11/01/24):

You will need to go in person to your county DMV office. (You might need to make an appointment, depending on which county you visit.)

You will need to specify with the agent that you want the Star removed and pay a duplicate/renewal fee. If the license is within 25 months of expiration, you can renew for another 4 years for $35 and remove the Star for free. If you are not close enough to renewal time, you will need to pay $20 for a duplicate license.

Please call 208-584-4343 if you have any questions.



Nov 2
1:04 PM