Fauci’s ‘DNA of Caring’. The motivations behind Dr. Fauci’s pandemic pivot. Guest post by Randall Bock on Robert W Malone MD, MS Substack (11/11/24)

Randall Bock’s introduction:

Dr. Anthony Fauci often claims a “DNA of caring” yet his actions reveal a stark contrast. Avoiding direct patient care, Dr. Fauci focused on populations—effecting a mindset aligned with abstract compassion for humanity that nonetheless neglects individual rights. His so-called ‘DNA of caring’ has most recently doubly stranded those subjected to it: first, by amplifying fear about Covid-19 while burying mitigating data; second, by pushing a vaccine in a draconian, methodical, and threatening manner, taking away liberty and jobs to an extreme never seen before in the history of mankind.

Additionally, by fast-tracking and strong-arming an mRNA vaccine-platform technology heretofore devoid of Phase II or III safety studies, Dr. Fauci prioritized hypothetical scientific advancement over actual current health, medical knowledge, and personal liberties—effectively double-crossing both the public’s trust and violating his own integrity: contradicting medically foundational principles he had spent his career enunciating—perhaps influenced by pharmaceutical interests.

Key Topics:

  • Introduction: From Public Health to Panic: The Motivations Behind Dr. Fauci’s Pandemic Pivot

  • A Self-Professed “DNA of Caring”

  • Fauci 1.0 Vs. Fauci 2.0 (Fauci’s brain did a great reset around Feb 2020)

  • Covid-19 Pandemic: Overreach and Ignoring Early Data

  • The Gates Foundation’s mRNA Finesse; Zika Emergency

  • mRNA Vaccines: From Never Done to Pandemic Panacea

  • Profit over Safety

  • Lockdowns: Misguided Anachronism

  • Unprecedented Excess Deaths

  • We Were Betrayed by Falsehoods

Fauci’s ‘DNA of Caring’
Nov 14
1:31 PM