Resolution: A Resolution to Further Secure Idaho Elections (11/14/24). By Jackie Davidson, Ada County PC 1614.…

Jackie Davidson, Ada County PC 1614, put forth a resolution to secure Idaho elections on November 14, 2024 (the full resolution is available as a PDF download):

The resolution states that the Idaho State Republican Party:

  1. Encourages in-person voting as the preferred method of voting in Idaho.

  2. Supports legislative efforts to prohibit the practice of third-party organizations from sending absentee applications to registered or eligible voters.

  3. Supports legislative efforts to eliminate ‘no excuse’ absentee voting.

  4. Will continue to protect the right of persons to vote absentee that are serving in the military, have legitimate physical limitations, or have other valid reasons that prevent them from voting in person.

Let's turn this excellent resolution into a law in Idaho and the law of the land!


  • Idaho Voting Guide:

Idaho Voting Guide - Update 01/07/25
Nov 19
11:33 PM