Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism. Recently, [I] Steve Kirsch received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they've known for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism. By Steve Kirsch — cross-posted by A Midwestern Doctor (11/17/24)


From A Midwestern Doctor’s Introduction:

Throughout my life, I have seen so many tragic cases of vaccines rapidly causing autism and it's never ceased to amaze me how far the medical industry has gone to hide it and to persecute anyone who exposes it.

Throughout my life, I have seen so many tragic cases of vaccines rapidly causing autism and it's never ceased to amaze me how far the medical industry has gone to hide it and to persecute anyone who exposes it. I asked Steve to let me review these leaked CDC documents, and it's clear they show vaccination is linked to autism. I never imagined this would actually happen, but we appear to finally be reaching a time when the cause of the autism epidemic can no longer be covered up.

If you want to see the proof vaccines cause autism, read Steve's article. If you want to know how they do it, read this one: midwesterndoctor.com/p/…

From Steve Kirsch’s Executive Summary:

I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available.

The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data.

The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated.

Kirsch is attempting to get mainstream media to cover this issue. Coverage already has begun on Elon Musk’s X platform. But he must red-pill the blue-pilled in order to save vast numbers of children and families from suffering the devastating lifelong (and multi-generational) effects of autism.

PLEASE SHARE this information with your blue-pilled family and friends, even if it’s uncomfortable!

Key Points (copied from the article’s main headings):

  • This is a huge scandal and our kids having been paying the price for decades all because the CDC doesn’t want to publicly admit they were wrong

  • Brian Hooker analyzed the CDC autism study data from the DeStefano paper; the evidence I received confirms what he found

  • How did the CDC respond to CDC scientist William Thompson’s allegations that his boss Coleen Boyle illegally ordered him to destroy the subgroup analysis documents linking the MMR vaccine and autism?

  • Nobody can explain the pediatrician temporal data: the CDC switched topics when asked by a pediatrician to explain the data she observed

  • Pediatric practices where the parents choose not to vaccinate their kids have ZERO autism cases

  • Studies published in the medical literature show odds ratios between 4.2 and 5.0 when comparing fully vaccinated vs. fully unvaccinated kids

    • OR=1 Exposure does not affect odds of outcome

    • OR>1 Exposure associated with higher odds of outcome

    • OR<1 Exposure associated with lower odds of outcome

      Source: Pubmed “Explaining Odds Ratios” pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ar…

  • I independently found a very similar odds ratio when I surveyed 10,000 parents: “tell me about your kids”

  • The autism studies published in the literature were designed to NOT find a signal. When errors were pointed out, the authors refuse to respond to the criticism. That is not what honest scientists do.

  • You can’t prove the null hypothesis (that is, you cannot prove there is no link; you can only claim “the studies we’ve done haven’t found a link.”)

  • The people who claim there is no evidence in the peer-reviewed literature that vaccines cause autism are simply lying to you and the press is just repeating what they’ve heard

  • Why don’t I just release the evidence to Tucker, Rogan, etc. (Kirsch wants mainstream media to pick this up)

  • AI interpretation of my evidence

  • Expert analysis of the data (by James Lyons-Weiler who “agrees that the studies designed to find an association were actually designed to not find an association.”)


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