Idaho Attorney General - Labrador Letter - Idaho Voters Are Not for Sale. By Raúl Labrador (11/22/24)…
AG Labrador explains how despite left-leaning mainstream media support, out of state money, and personal attacks on him, he proved correct: Idaho is NOT for sale to the highest donors who hid the proposition’s insidious Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in a deceptive cloak of “Open Primaries for all.”
Labrador wrote (slightly edited):
Proposition 1 was soundly defeated, sending a clear message: Idaho voters are not for sale. Despite millions in out-of-state funding and extensive support from national groups attempting to influence our state’s elections, the common sense of Idahoans prevailed.
…Idaho voters were not swayed by liberal media narratives or external agendas. They saw the proposition for what it was – an attempt to introduce ranked-choice voting, a purposefully convoluted system, to Idaho’s elections. RCV was so unpopular that the proponents of Proposition 1 barely mentioned it in their campaign to gather signatures and their ads supporting the initiative.
Idaho wasn’t the only state to reject Ranked Choice Voting on election night. Missouri banned RCV with their Amendment #7. Nevada voters rejected RCV with Question #3. Even in the blue states of Oregon and Colorado, voters rejected Ballot Measure 117 and Proposition 131, respectively. RCV lost in every state where it was on the ballot – except in Washington, D.C. Go figure.
ED NOTE (unfortunate result in Alaska):
Alaska’s ranked choice repeal measure fails by 664 votes. By Eric Stone, Alaska Public Media - Juneau and Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media -November 20, 2024 (Those trying to repeal it have not given up and will try again, either through legislation or another ballot initiative. There could be a recount as well.)…