9 Shocking COVID Truths They’ll Never Admit to You. This is the perfect piece to share with your friends who haven’t woken up yet. By The Vigilant Fox (11/23/24)

An excellent synopsis of lies and coverups…

I have never seen something so injurious to the human body.

Since when do we have a protein that actually injures the brain, injures the heart, the bone marrow, the immune system, causes blood clotting, and potentially causes cancer in a single protein?

It's a weapon. According to strict military criteria, it's a bioweapon.

~Dr. Peter McCullough

Key Lies & Cover-Ups Summary

  1. COVID response was never about public health. It was about conditioning the population to accept “a needle in every arm.”

    1. The government tried to stop any cheap remedy that works for COVID-19.

    2. Remedies included:

      • Hydroxychloroquine

      • Ivermectin

      • Virucidal nasal sprays and gargles

      • Higher-dose corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone)

      • Zinc

      • Vitamin D

      • Vitamin C

      • Quercetin

      • Over-the-counter famotidine

      • Colchicine

  2. Comorbidities significantly increase the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19.

    1. The government discouraged a healthy lifestyle, sunshine, exercise, or early treatment and promoted unhealthy response to COVID-19. Suggestions included:

      • Be afraid

      • Stay in lockdown

      • Social distance

      • Wear a mask

      • Use hand sanitizer

      • Wait for a vaccine

      • When the vaccine comes, keep taking more every six months.

  3. Fear of death made acceptance of mass vaccination possible.

    1. Standard of care treatments for COVID-19 in the hospitals were far more deadly than the disease itself and were financially incentivized. These included remdesivir, ventilators, and denial of lifesaving drugs such as ivermectin, vitamins, hydroxychloroquine, etc.

  4. COVID injections were highly toxic to the entire body. Key damages highlighted by Dr. Peter McCullough:

    • It invades the brain.

    • It invades the heart.

    • It causes brain and heart damage.

    • It invades the bone marrow.

    • It stimulates antibodies to attack cells and platelets.

    • It causes never before seen blood clotting and damage to blood vessels.

    • Data from the University of Pittsburgh suggests it causes cancer.

  5. Mainstream media told you these injections were “safe” and that you should do what the “health experts” tell you.

    1. Did you know that up to 70% of TV media’s advertising revenue comes from the pharmaceutical industry itself?

    2. RFK Jr. hopes to stop pharmaceutical ads in media.

  6. Propaganda and lies are extensively used to support the lies, not just with COVID-19, but for other issues such as measles.

    1. Example: NBC News pushed a FAKE photo of a baby with measles—designed to stoke fear and sell vaccines for their sponsor, Merck.

    2. Example: CDC lies state that 1 out of every 1,000 measles cases results in death and vaccines are a must. BEFORE measles vaccines, the death rate was actually 1 in 8,000.

  7. FEMA tried to bribe Ernesto Ramirez with financial support if he changed the official cause of his son's vaccine-caused death to COVID.

    1. Ramirez refused and now campaigns on behalf of injured and killed.

  8. Public health bureaucrats who pushed these lies fear Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and are heading to the exits.

  9. The status quo has destroyed human health in America. We now have an opportunity to fix it with help from RFK Jr. and the new HHS team President Trump is assembling.

9 Shocking COVID Truths They’ll Never Admit to You
Nov 24
2:27 PM