Petition to ban all pharmaceutical company advertising in New Zealand media. By Dr. Peter McCullough, The McCullough Report. Guest: Ms. Aly Cook from the South Island of New Zealand (12/17/24, podcast 58:44)…

Only the United States and New Zealand allow direct-to-consumer advertising of biopharmaceuticals. This has led to the capture of media organizations that now have financial conflicts of interest and no longer provide honest reporting that holds Pharma companies accountable.

Dr. McCullough and Aly Cook discuss important parallels between the US and New Zealand’s COVID countermeasures, especially regarding advertising and media pressure that led many to becoming COVID “vaccine” injured.

Key points include:

  • US CDC and New Zealand Ministry of Health ran commercials for COVID-19 vaccines that omitted important safety information (such as fatal side effects) and encouraged patients to bypass their doctors and go directly to vaccine centers and pharmacies that were not equipped to handle adverse side effects.

  • Aly Cook has launched a petition to ban direct-to-consumer drug advertising in New Zealand. This practice is deceptive, subverts full informed consent, and increases drug costs. (The United States should ban such advertising as well.)

  • Her son, a NZ truck driver, is a victim of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine myopericarditis, with a half dozen emergency room trips under his belt.

  • After years of suffering and being gaslit, he found a cardiologist who admits the shot caused his condition. Thankfully, he is improving on McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification and colchicine.

  • Cook also produced a compelling mini-documentary “Silent No More” on NZ vaccine injuries. The movie shows how this small island nation was greatly damaged by the “no jab, no job” policy that ruined so many lives.

  • Did you know? New Zealand’s isolation makes it an ideal test bed for many ideas — some good, some bad:

    • Tech companies often test new products in New Zealand because the country is ethnically diverse, tech-savvy, and English-speaking, yet relatively isolated. If a product flops in NZ, the rest of the world probably won’t know about it:…

    • NZ pandemic policies such as lockdowns and bubbles were models for other countries:…

Show notes include links. Of special interest are:

  • McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification and colchicine

  • Petition of Aly Cook: Ban all pharmaceutical company advertising in New Zealand media (11/26/24). Petition does not appear to restrict signatories to NZ:…

  • Silent No More - (Memorial Day) New Zealand short film documentary (11/29/24, video 25 min, includes transcript):

Dec 18
3:48 PM