Invidious Covidians. By Ralph K. Ginorio (12/16/24)

This short op-ed is well worth reading. Western Civilization historian Ralph Ginorio, writes:

We must never forget what was done to us, both as individuals and as a society, in the name of disease prevention. COVID-19 was the pretext used to justify nothing less than a years-long suspension of our human rights and civil liberties.

Because it worked, those who perpetrated this will try something like it again. Unless citizens and elected officials take aggressive steps to prevent such another such seizure of control, we will again become prisoners in our own lives, locked away from our friends and family, our freedoms and even the shared worship of our God.

He then provides a short history of the COVID tyranny, how it began, and how and why it was allowed to continue. He says “Tyrants always proclaim that they can save the rest of us from the vicissitudes of life, if only we give them control. This promise has always been a lie.”

Americans and citizens of the world succumbed to these lies and failed to speak up. Many still aren’t talking, keeping their heads down and mouths shut out of fear, hoping no one will notice them. This just emboldens tyrants to try again. We must never listen their lies or let them do this to us again. “Never again!"

Dec 18
4:30 PM