ITD Names 12 Snowplows, Lakeland Middle Schooler Made the Cut. Press Release (12/17/24)…
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) selected 12 winners from its first annual Name a Snowplow contest! Names will be appear on 12 plows across the state. The winners were mostly selected by anonymous ITD employees from entries submitted by eighth graders.
[Material below copied from the Press Release.]
North Idaho
The Berminator, Post Falls Middle School
Big Snowplowski, Lakeland Middle School
North-Central Idaho
Alpha Storm One, employee’s child from Grangeville Elementary/Middle School
Plowabunga!, employee’s child from Lewiston High School
Southwest Idaho
Clearapathra, Hillside Junior High School
NoMoreMr.IceGuy, Fairmont Junior High School
South-Central Idaho
Plowasaurus Rex, employee’s child who is homeschooled
Darth Blader, employee’s child from Wendell Middle School
Southeast Idaho
Snow Daddy, Franklin Middle School
Snow Ranger, employee’s child from Blackfoot Middle School
East Idaho
Antisnowcial, Swan Valley School
POW POW KA PLOW, Rigby Middle School
We grinches do not know how much the contest or the signs will cost, but the names are full of creativity and pun fun.