New Study Finds Hydroxychloroquine Safe with No Evidence of Cardiac Complications. Everything they told us was a lie. Guest post by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH — originally published on Courageous Discourse Substack (12/20/24)
Vigilant News:…
Courageous Discourse: petermcculloughmd.subst…
This article summarizes the following paper:
Cardiac findings in a phase II double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of combination therapy (Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc) to treat COVID-19 patients. Co-authored by Sabine Hazan, Adriana C. Vidal, Nicolas Hulscher, Amelia Goudzwaard, Peter A. McCullough & Alon A. Steinberg, was just published in the journal BMC Cardiovascular Disorders:…
Bottom Line:
QT / QTc Terminology From Wikipedia:…
The QT interval is a measurement made on an electrocardiogram (ECG) used to assess some electrical properties of the heart.
The QT interval changes in response to the heart rate — as heart rate increases the QT interval shortens, making it harder to compare QT intervals measured at different heart rates.
To improve reliability of QT measurement, the QT interval can be corrected for heart rate (QTc) using a variety of mathematical formulae. Modern ECGs can perform this correction automatically.
Hydroxychloroquine NOT unsafe: Outpatient treatment of COVID-19 patients with HAZDPac which includes Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, was not associated with prolongation of QTc compared to placebo and QTc remained within normal range.
Simplified English translation: The study showed NO evidence of cardiac complications with hydroxychloroquine, a drug that was dismissed as unsafe and ineffective almost the very second President Trump mentioned it.
Unjustly removed: A landmark study “Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial” was published in July 2020. It demonstrated hydroxychloroquine’s benefit against COVID-19 (click link below).
6,713 scientists, physicians, and researchers cited the study for four years before it was unjustly removed.
The Biopharmaceutical Complex promotes genetic injections by censoring and attacking cheaper, safer, and more effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine.