The Breakfast Cereal Addiction. How the American Heart Association helped make America unhealthy. By Robert W Malone MD, MS (12/30/24)

Dr. Malone asks:

How did cereal become such a large part of the American diet? How did Americans go from eating eggs for breakfast or maybe oats, to eating ultra-processed or processed breakfast cereals? Why did we give up one of the most nutritionally dense foods known to humankind for a “fortified” sugary fest of carbs, with a dollop of seed oils, artificial flavors, and dyes added in?

He answers these questions while also addressing statins, smoking, confounding variables, and more.

Clearly, the need for uncorrupted nutritional advice from government and others in public health is real and may remain unmet. In the meantime, Dr. Malone offers the following common-sense advice:


  • Eat whole foods

  • Eat plenty of protein

  • Eat a wide variety of foods

  • Watch your alcohol consumption (alcohol is full of sugar)

  • Consider calorie restriction as a way of life (not just a “diet”)

  • Consider intermittent fasting

  • Eat healthy fats, and avoid seed oils


  • Eat ultra-processed foods

  • Binge

  • Eat a lot of sugar

The Breakfast Cereal Addiction
Jan 1
2:24 PM