Discovering DMSO: COVID Fixed My Shoulder (in a weird, roundabout way). Absent the pandemic, I would never have discovered dissident doctors — or DMSO! By FLCCC Alliance and Jenna McCarthy (01/03/25)
The following statement from FLCCC precedes the article:
The material posted regarding Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) reflects the author's opinions and does not represent the official position of the FLCCC. We are actively reviewing the scientific data and ongoing research regarding DMSO and will provide an official statement once a thorough evaluation has been completed. The FLCCC remains committed to basing its recommendations on the most current and robust scientific evidence.
And here’s our usual disclaimer that we are not practicing medicine without a license:…
In a brief article, Jenna McCarthy entertainingly describes her multi-year journey to treat excruciatingly painful adhesive capsulitis, commonly called “frozen shoulder.” The condition — in both shoulders — left her incapable of many normal activities. (You will appreciate and empathize with her descriptions, so please read her article to get the “full flavor.”)
McCarthy tried many unsuccessful remedies, including:
Watchful waiting (per Dr. Internet)
Chiropractic adjustments
Physical therapy treatments
The Shoulder Reliever (a patented product)
Electric muscle stimulation
Grounding sheets
Infrared sauna blanket
An excruciating cortisone shot
Pretty much everything short of surgery.
A friend submitted to shoulder surgery with very poor results. He's hoping to avoid surgery on the second shoulder. Of course, we shared this and other articles about DMSO.
Luckily, McCarthy subscribes (as we do) to A Midwestern Doctor’s (AMD) “The Forgotten Side of Medicine” Substack. Here she discovered the article “DMSO is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries” (09/29/24):
What She Learned (in a Nutshell)…
DMSO, short for Dimethyl Sulfoxide, is a colorless, odorless organic compound. Among other attributes:
DMSO is a highly effective pain-killing agent for many intractable and hard to treat chronic pain and musculoskeletal ailments (think failed spine surgery, arthritis, complex regional pain syndrome).
DMSO can help treat asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, cystitis, lupus, MS, scleroderma, arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, collagen disorders, strokes, heart attacks, dementia, varicose veins, and more.
If adopted as a standard of care, DMSO could revolutionize medicine in the United States and likely knock aside many system-medicine treatment approaches. Danger to Big Pharma and Big Medicine’s bottom line is a key reason DMSO has been suppressed for decades.
What Happened?
To make a years-long story short, McCarthy mixed DMSO half-and-half with organic castor oil and asked her husband to apply it topically to both shoulders before bed “because I literally could not cross my arms to touch my own shoulders.”
She experienced palpable pain relief overnight, and in just a few weeks, an 85% decrease in her pain. How’s that for a testimonial?
Our Final Thoughts
Study after study (see AMD’s articles) have shown that DMSO is very safe and effective (unlike other things we’ve been writing about). So, if you’ve had no luck with system medical treatment for pain and other ailments, you may wish to research DMSO and give it a shot (the non-cortisone type).
A Midwestern Doctor (click below). The menu bar links to many DMSO articles; you also can click the magnifying glass icon and enter “DMSO” into the Search box.