Nurse for 50 years - with plenty of time to research Covid-19!
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What we've seen so far is Congressional investigations and some good independent journalism. It seems like nothing, but the result was the election of Donald Trump and this time he's bringing a team of bright, powerful, committed reformers. Wait a few months to see how this plays out.

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I do not doubt that “empathy” is somewhere mixed in. There is a book titled “Toxic Empathy” which expounds on this very subject in the light (actually darkness) of the evil and anti-Christian progressive agenda. Our society is awash in the destructive idea that empathy is compassion, virtue, and /or love. Empathy means to be in the (sorry gotta use the F-word) feelings of. Doing the right thing is often going against are feelings or helping others to fight their feelings and doing the virtuous and painful thing.

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He's basically Baltimore aristocracy.

But that's not the point. I just think there's a lot of young people that are totally disillusioned coming out of schools that have "ripped" them off whether they had families that could pay for it or not. For example: there are 10X the amount of "administrators" at my alma mater now than there was when I graduated in 93'. The professor are no longer there to teach, and the admins couldn't care less about the kids - they care about their sinecures.

There's a …

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There is absolutely no excuse for murder. I don't care what happened to him or his mother you don't go out a kill someone. Brian Thompson was an innocent man, a father, a husband, living his life. He did not have the privilege of this scumbag nut job. THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR LYING IN WAIT AND PREMEDITATED MURDER. NONE.

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This lawsuit that effectively killed Monsanto, in 2018, was a bigger a complishment than *anything* Becerra and Harris have achieved combined.…

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This is not a true statement. RFK Jr. failed the NY Bar once, in 1982. He passed on his subsequent attempt in 1985. You may be thinking of JFK Jr, who failed the NY Bar twice before finally passing the third time. Oh, you know who else failed the bar exactly as many times as RFK Jr? Kamala Harris. Hillary Clinton squeaked the Arkansas Bar but never did pass in DC.

Why I'm voting for Donald Trump, part 2
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Absolutely right.

How about when the world went into lockdown uniformly?

They are dangerous because they have consolidated legions of technocrats, elites and bureaucrats to give the appearance of consensus.

Consensus can be a vehicle for conquest and conciliation of the "crowd". A crowd that's conditioned to conformity is easy to control. They won't even recognize they've been conquered when they clamp their own chains.

Who was in control during the plandemic?

A cabal of consensus.

When The Job Descriptions For Doctors and Madmen Converge...
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Great! I know Mike Stone personally (through working with him on this issue for years) and he is a GREAT person. Just love him. All those who know him love him. But the important thing is that he is absolutely brilliant and a rigorous and very honest researcher. Happy you will look into his work. Be prepared for 🤯🤯🤯🤯🙂

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You might want to check out Mike Stone here on Substack or at X or at Outstanding researcher and writer regarding the history and fraudulent methodology used in the psuedoscience we call "virology". Let alone the vaccine issue. The roots of all of this are (shocker) historical and not understanding the corruption involved in "germ theory" means one cannot understand the fraud of the plandemic we all suffered through. This is a deep rabbit hole but absolutely fascinating and I thi…

Why my amended complaint in Berenson v Biden matters so much