Nicci Kadilak 

Writer, educator, mom | Favorite things: Math puns; thoughtful discussion | Pet peeves: Left turns from the right lane; improper use of hyphens | Nicci's Notes: Reflections on writing & the world | Burlington Buzz: Local government & current events

Wow, that felt good to write. I don’t get much opportunity to write for myself these days, and while the first 95% pours out the last 5% seems to take forever to come together. I’m still not 100% satisfied with this one, but I’m really happy with most of it and at some point you just have to hit the button.

Whatchu think?

Very Slowly, and Then All At Once
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Note to self:

  1. The first draft is to make it exist.

  2. The second draft is to make it functional.

  3. The third draft is to make it effective.

Leaving this here for next time I’m halfway through a piece, staring vacantly at the page and slowly losing my grip on reality.