Jordy Williams 

The digital equivalent of wearing a fake Chanel bag

Hi everyone. Chris, Jairaj, and I wanted to let you know that we’ve heard and have been listening to all the views being expressed about how Substack should think about the presence of fringe voices on the platform (and particularly, in this case, Nazi views). 

I just want to make it clear that we don’t like Nazis either—we wish no-one he…

Substack shouldn’t decide what we read

Very glad to read this Hamish. It’s level headed and serious and a great relief too. I think this is exactly the right approach. It’s in great contrast to some others, and seems mature and helpful in comparison. If only society as a whole would speak like this.

Happy Christmas to all at Substack.

“Great relief” that Nazis are allowed to monetize hate speech here? JFC my guy.

Only a few tickets left for tomorrow's Fantasy Brunch at the Empty Bottle including one remaining ticket for Divination RPG, the Tarot-driven roleplaying game!

If adventures you seek...
Source Material: “Castle”, by David Macaulay