Jim Ferner 

stubborn activist

My husband and I both have a spinal fusion like Luigi, and the way people in pain are treated by the Healthcare system is absolutely disgusting. My husband recently went to the ER due to stomach pain (he almost died due to issues that caused stomach pain), and when the doctor asked him why he needed pain meds, my husband said, "It feels like I'm dying! If I had to deal with all this pain without all my meds, I would have killed myself ages ago!" The doctor didn't like what he heard and sent my …

It's not surprising. Someone was gonna snap because America is absolutely owned by multinational corporations and the healthcare industry treats you all like shit for 50 years and mpre. It's disgusting. It's not like the healthcare and pharma industries, the FDA and the NIH etc aren't slaughtering American citizens through criminal corruption, right up in your face now. I'm not into violence, but I understand from experience how regular pain puts you in a dark state. And the industry foists vio…

I really struggled with this article personally. In some ways I still do because it is difficult to decouple the murder of a person with the motives of another in kind. As a humanist, I hold life in the highest esteem and the taking of it, abhorrent in all its forms.

But I failed to understand at a glance what pain meant in this article. As an able bodied person myself (perhaps slightly hobbled now, painlessly, from surgery), pain is synonymous with emotional pain and mental illness. Issues I am…

What has failed so far to explain the egregious behavior of medical insurance in the US is that Medicare Advantage plans are created and funded by investors...NOT MD's! You're screwed from the getgo. Do we really want medical decisions decided by investors who only have profits as motives, and not the circumstances of the treatment? Well, that's what we have, folks. Wake up.

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Would there be this much interest if he was ugly, poor, uneducated, and not white?

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The author is talking about “radicalization by pain”. How do you expect someone to be “unradicalized” under pain? Do you think pain is something that can be managed or avoided with mental strength?

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So at least one good thing has happened: an insurance company was planning to introduce draconian charging schedule for anaesthesia (where, if complications arose during your surgery, you could lose coverage while unconscious and wake up to find you're paying out of pocket)

It has been reversed. Of course they don't say it's because of the shooting, but then you wouldn't expect them to. And the timing is certainly perfect


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I think the New Deal only happened because the Russian revolution have our rich a clear understanding of what would happen if they didn't do something to make things better for people. It's clear that our rich have forgotten, with a few exceptions like Nick Hanauer. Government by assassination isn't good, but reelecting Trump probably means we aren't going to have the good options.

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The hope is obvious, isn't it? That CEOs will be afraid of violence, and since their life is probably the only thing they value more than maximising profit, they might hesitate before signing off on price-gouging.

I'm not saying this is going to happen. I have no idea what's going to happen. But your "why on earth" and "the only possible result" made it sound like you couldn't see what good people are hoping might come out of it. And I think it's not completely impossible.

When you are 26 you can sign up for Obamacare which is available across the country. Without Obamacare if not employed there is Medicaid, and if not for Obamacare which raised the age limit a dependent child loses coverage under a parent’s plan your son as was mine at that age would have no safety net even earlier. Luigi’s family likely has a personal doctor, and their health plan is what the very wealthy even the fairly comfortable all have today and that is concierge medical care. Doctors on …

I am going to say im. If killing CEOs replaces school shootings then we will finally get gun reform.