Dr Brian Kaplan, MD 

I'm a medical doctor specializing in PROVOCATIVE THERAPY, the cutting edge in the use of Reverse Psychology and Humor in medicine, psychotherapy and coaching.

The media-driven attack on homeopathy has been one of the most egregiously pernicious assaults on any enemy of the culture warriors of the postmodern era. It has been deeply disingenuous throughout its long war of attrition against homeopathy.

I fought long and hard against it and endured any number of ad hominem attacks on various social…

The Disinformation Campaign Against Homeopathy

My journey into Neohumour led to many meetings with remarkable and very funny men and women. I learned something useful about applied comedy and humour from them all but one thing remained common to every practitioner of applied comedy: Humour is the natural way human beings have helped each other (with informed or obvious permission) for thousands of years.