Amazon is not particularly useful when you can't depend on the quality of what you buy there. They vet NOTHING. The reviews are generally bogus. I had to give up on their useless crap after too many bad experiences. It's worth the trouble for this old man to drag myself out to the Prius and put on a few miles to buy something I can see and touch (or to order directly from companies friends have had good experiences with).
Khan (FTC) and Jonathan Kanter (Antitrust-DOJ) brought numerous suits against corporations, and won twice against Google...despite being seriously underfunded and outmanned.
Khan led the move to gut non-competes, eliminate junk pricing by banks and airlines, and a host of other actions.
Khan was so effective that half of Silicon Valley, the CoC, and the WSJ were terrified of her.
ATT had a virtual monopoly on the phone system . Some invented a rubber sleeve that aided users to crunch the phone between their shoulders and ear so they could write orders or notes at the same time they were using the phone .
ATT had Lawyers and the decided it was an infringement on att patents.
They sued and lost to the rubber sleeve manufacturers.
That was the first crack in the armor of ATT .
Jimmy Carter deregulated ATT and Worldcom was born ( the pure one before the wrestling coach bought i…
Here's a footnote to your argument: China doesn't have oil, and its reliance on coal is unsustainable, hence it has to maximize efficiency in all ventures. The US, by contrast, has an abundance of gas and oil, hence its companies can afford to be energy inefficient. Drill, drill, drill will make things only worse.
Just to remind all my followers of the main conclusion of the Dunning-Kruger effect
Very intelligent people assume that they are rather less intelligent than they actually are
Very stupid people believe that they are much more intelligent than they are, because they have absolutely no idea what it would feel like to be intelligent.
Just to remind all my followers of the main conclusion of the Dunning-Kruger effect
Very intelligent people assume that they are rather less intelligent than they actually are
Very stupid people believe that they are much more intelligent than they are, because they have absolutely no idea what it would feel like to be intelligent.
Just to remind all my followers of the main conclusion of the Dunning-Kruger effect
Very intelligent people assume that they are rather less intelligent than they actually are
Very stupid people believe that they are much more intelligent than they are, because they have absolutely no idea what it would feel like to be intelligent.