Bob McDonald 

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A good start would be to get rid of the so-called government. ;-)

Seriously though, there's nothing worth preserving about it. Is is from leaf to root an incurably rotten and moribund thing, and it blights existence.

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The sad thing is, Bob, that's about how much use our military and intelligence are. Forty years ago they were seriously speculating about launching a coup d'etat in Australia and sacking the traitorous politicians, and the generals who betrayed us.. Today, our military is either woke or nobly protecting the politicians from we, the grubby people. If no military will train militias, our chances of survival are see-through slim.

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While I see some elements of truth in the first two positions, I align closest to the third (Matt?) however, will not be voting out of principle that I NEVER accept an "either or" two options, there's always the third: in this case, do not legitimize it by not voting. Imagine if instead of our of fear of not voting (then the other side will win!) or out of thinking "better to vote for the lesser of two evils", imagine if NO ONE voted in this referendum, e.g. taking the position of The Green Boo…

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ASIO are too busy sewing sequinnes on their new rainbow battle fatigues and designing new codes that incorporate the correct pronouns, to be rounding us up for stacking RPGs on the front lawn. But if they do check us out, it will be in a Hercules trannysport or standing on the roof of an APC swirling rainbow silks. God save the effing queens, nobody else will.

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hehe! You won't need tanks, grenades, and missile launchers with a sense of humour like that!

Those fiends and ghouls we are up against are formidably impervious to reason and wisdom, which means they are vulnerable to satire, and with which they may even be mortally wounded.