Jack joned 

I pissed off the most influential man at my last corporate job

Got fired

And wasn’t able to find work in my hometown for 7 months.

A coworker asked if I was interested in working with him

On a project that involved extensive travel and fieldwork.

I didn’t want to

The Baristas at my favorite coffee shop flirt with me every time I visit

But I don’t think they’re going to anymore.

Today, as I was writing at my desk in the shop,

One of the pipes in the kitchen sink bursted.

One of the barista’s shouted,

Does anyone know how to turn off a water valve?!

US States with the highest taxes (income, property, and sales):

15.9 % New York

14.1% Hawaii

13.5% California

13.2% New Jersey

12.9% Illinois

A man is standing near a government building, holding a slogan: «I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING».

A journalist approaches him:

— Excuse me, do you really care about nothing?

— Of course.

— But how about family, relatives?

— No.

Are You Busy On Friday? No? Then Meet Me At The Drag Races!
Anyone Looking For a 68' Hemi Dart?