Reinventing Christianity 

Amy Pringle is an Episcopal priest, hack poet, First Testament scholar and armchair theologian. Looking to do hivemind work on Christianity for the 21st century.

Here’s one way of looking at it — outside the idea of atonement.

What Did the Death of Jesus Mean?

What’s in your go-bag?

That question is never far from mind, here in Southern California; a trade off of living in the sunshiny winters is that earthquakes and wildfires are ever-present possibilities.

You might only have two minutes to get out of the house, so you have to have a single daypack ready to grab and go. As you can imagine, every inch and ounce of space in that bag matters.

In my bag, taking up precious room, are several not strictly necessary things: A deck of cards; an inflatable be…

Read this now; it’s about the truth of your soul:

Haven’t you always wondered? I sure have!

Who Is Jesus? A First Testament Perspective

Yes we know that churches are shrinking; no one needs to hear one more statistic on that. But beyond the numbers, how might declining church attendance have lasting effects for Christianity itself?

How Shrinking Churches Are Affecting the Mother-Ship of Christianity

All the Voices

From time to time

they make a movie

about some poor guy

who suddenly has the power to hear

everyone else’s thoughts.

What will happen when the seminaries close? They’re folding one by one, and folding fast. Have we fully thought through the implications of these closures?

My worries aren’t so much about students but professors. Without seminary jobs to pay the bills, who’s going to become a Bible scholar, a theologian, an ethicist? And if those professions don’t exist, then in the great era of disruption and reconstruction for Christianity, where will the guidelines and guard rails come from? I’m no proponent …

“Dropping a creative into chaos is like dropping a fish into their favorite water.”

Manifesting Faithful Influence: The Characteristics of Spiritual Leaders in the 21st Century

What does it mean, in the average Christian life, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ ministry of healing?

Do you consider yourself a healer?

Are we all supposed to be healers?

What to do with healing?