Robin Heart Shepperd 

Retired chiropractor, currently doing energy psychology. Interested in gardening, herbal medicine, birds, ancestors, moggies, metaphysics, Ireland.
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it won't let me paste a photo of myself...with cats and flowers and fig trees...but I tried.

isn't that a conversation? We are approximating, dancing, helping each other, together figure out what it is we really want and where it is we really belong!

The Lost Languages of the Earth
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Thank you for this. We needed it.

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I'm with you, Rob, all the way. It is a time when we must be brave enough to risk it all, even unto death. I cannot imagine living under Trumpian rule. I won't. Thank you for your centering leadership.

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I so appreciate this, thank you for the reminder and pep talk to stay present and active.

dearest Robin, thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care and love during this journey. It has meant the world to me.

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Oh Perdita. I don't have any words of support because my support and prayers go beyond words now - I send you love right back. And want you to know your words here, right know, gave me hope where I was finding none today. Thank you.