What about Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who is been in solitary confinement in Germany in prison now for over 5 months? Was he not the first on the scene to interview many experts when these Criminals at the WEF and the WHO were trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes? Is Dr. Fullmich getting the recognition he deserves? I hope so…..
There was no autism, before this massive onslaught of vaccines occurred....absolutely 0 in the 1930s. I don't believe it started until children started being injected with toxins in these vaccines, which creates brain damage. How stupid could medical doctors be not to question the use of an element like mercury? In high school I read about the Mad Hatter's Disease...and how the women who were working with mercury to stiffen brims of hats in the early 1900s went crazy. We trust doctors to be mor…
Ok I am going to blaspheme here. As I have discovered that my government hates me and wants me dead, that the Deep State has been in controll of this country since they assisinated JFK, did the 9/11 shit and all the stupid wars they got us into ...I hate my government and I hate what this country has become. THE WASTE...especially of our militiary - the boots on the ground - you can take MILLEY and all the rest of the NEOCON generals and dump them under a drone. But the people of this country..…
It really doesn’t seem as though the media needs to be *distracted from noticing life-changing news these days, like, say, excessive deaths of their own parents, spouses and children. They’re not guard dogs any longer, and I don’t know how long they’ve been so domesticated and friendly. They’re trained poodles.
I’m not sure who needed to be distracted by the balloon in the sky, of all the ignominious childish possibilities to distract the public with. Most of us knew it was a distraction and wondered what from.