Zoe Lozano-Strickland 

A current student of Community Mental Health at the California Institute of Integral Studies. I am curious and excited by the potential psychedelic assisted therapy has to heal our communities.
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I agree with Kristin Nash and I am heartened by what she is doing. I do not think there is anywhere near enough emphasis on harm reduction, especially among the many people now advocating the use of psychedelic substances! To me, this interview is definitely the most important thing I have read in The Microdose. Thank you very, very much for publishing it.

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I am sorry for your loss. Like you I’m all for being a dissenting voice that’s trying to bridge gaps between the echo chamber and the rest of the world. I work as a counselor and see far too many practitioners and therapists who shouldn’t be doing the work they’re doing. I think we all need more education and training around harm reduction. Thanks for sharing your story and your work.