Jane Myers 

Jane has been writing for a very long time. Nowadays, she'd be called "mid-century." She is working on her memoir, "I do, I do, I do, a meditation on marriage and mortality in three acts".
Past the asters, the zinnias, the nasturtiums…
..vast white lilies…
A little nip in the air
Jody Powell’s feet
The words in Russian...
Oh, little town…
Manhattan Jazz…

Thank you, Candis. I look forward to seeing it! It will feed my retro-fantasies about wishing I’d moved to NYC in that era, tho I know that I, naif that I was, lacked the raw determination and gutsy confidence of Robert Zimmerman from the frozen wilds of Minnesota. And I had no guitar or harmonica. I would have headed for Vogue or Mademo…

…never say now…
Steel on steel...