


"As regular readers of this newsletter know, I believe that language and culture are interlinked, and that English being the global language amplifies Anglophone culture above all others. So I think this example is symptomatic of which voices carry more weight in our so-called interconnected world."

To incise it into stone, I've *always* thought this, since I was born.

"It's a beautiful accent but I can't understand a word you're saying. Good luck, live in peace."

Well, my English teacher (who is British, I'd like to highlight this) covered the same topic the last time we had a lesson! It's about telepathy. And we live, literally, in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, Trump is the first one who slurs and mutters, he does not speak clearly (and completely!) so often, what is he talking about?

Maurizio Cr…

"It's a beautiful accent but I can't understand a word you're saying. Good luck, live in peace."
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Sorry, my merciless anxiety just obnubilated me from writing the noun.

Is it racist to tell someone you can't understand their foreign accent?