I agree with you, Roy, that ceding the "frame" e.g. the language that we use to describe reality, isn't a trifle but a huge skid down the slippery slope (which we're halfway down already).
One of the things I've taken note of is Trump and the Right's almost plaintive assertions, like "there is no trans anymore" and "there is no Woke anymore." Like they can sign a few EO's and magick people and ideas out of existence. It's why Kendrick Lamar's halftime performance at the Superbowl annoyed them so…
My doctor sent me for an abdominal ultrasound last month. When I got to the place, they were concerned about whether UHC would pay for the procedure. Apparently you’re limited to one PER LIFETIME and I’d had one back in 2011 when they were diagnosing my heart problems.
Not having the procedure due to cost seemed foolish, so I asked what it would cost without insurance. $160. Not thousands, or tens of thousands. $160. They were going to be cheapskates about MY health for a lousy $160.
I would shake the shooter’s hand and tell him thanks for his service.