Helena Handcart 

I am a writer and teacher interested in how our brains work, how we get on together and in ensuring our children get to play.
A small appreciation
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To be clear, since Peter asked, I'm completely in favor of anyone, in any choice of outfit or costume, who is willing to take the time and effort to spend with youth and help them become more literate and educated. Whether that's Mr. Rogers, a catholic priest, Bozo the clown, a drag persona, a friendly grandmother, a librarian in a squirrel costume, or an excited young new college graduate. And sometimes it takes a bit more color and personality to engage youngsters, and those who have the ener…

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For a religion that is supposed to be all about loving thy neighbour and that teaches a wealthy man cannot get into heaven, you gotta wonder if anyone involved in these awful megachurches have even read the bible. But hey, hating trans and queer folks for the Big Dollars is surely exactly what Jesus wanted from his followers, right?

Thank you for continuing to report on their bigotry!