Vitaliy - Very good synopsis on where we, as a nation, stand today. Yes, there has been a shift from righting wrongs and disparities (wages, work hours, eliminating safety hazards, and providing work security), to what we see today in short-term interests (I want it now) vs long-term goals (profitability, safety and a better life). Today, however, what we see between unions and companies appears to be a microcosm of our political society - 'All for my side and nothing for yours'. This is not go…
A number of very good points made here. And while some I vehemently agree with, some I reluctantly agree with, and others I flat out disagree with, at a high-level I think you are directionally correct. But as is often the case, more nuance surrounds nearly all of them.
If I were to address one item I generally disagree with you on, it would be in how you characterize the consequences and regulations that companies/employers may universally experience in a free market.
You say "If companies treat…
Ideas seem to recycle and ebb-flow in long term patterns. Labor is having its moment. Wages are going up and organized labor is once again popular for most American’s. I fundamentally agree with your point that the demands of unions make companies less competitive in the long term, but the short term matters for a lot of our non-office workers. Especially when we consider the last twenty years in wage stagnation and outsourcing/automation.
The UAW demands on the big three auto manufacturers woul…
I tend to agree with all of your points, but think you should have focused on the massive increasing gap between management and worker pay and benefits. This is certainly one reason why worker pay has been flat for decades. Th Boards of companies are responsible for these trends, but unless the legal structure and interlocking “ old boy’s and girl’s” clubs changes, nothing will improve.