Larry E Whittington 

85-year-old writer, want-a-be-gardener, former gold panner, and would still like to go fishing.

Check out my new post !Have you already done tis with your little ones? Than go back to the archives to see what else has been published.

Life And Living Part Four

No, and I also did not keep the information for sources.

Growing Microgreens for Beginners: The Simple Trick to Fresh Greens All Year Long

These stories satisfied the desire to know and understand nature.

A Lesson In Harmony ( From The Book, Sparks--Stories For Children Of All Ages) Audio/Text

A good contrast.

The Pope and Immigration

I would have to get the seeds.

Growing Microgreens for Beginners: The Simple Trick to Fresh Greens All Year Long

We should ask our body to see what it says. It may say, "please rest, I am burnt out"

Screw the Hustle—Take a Nap (Why Rest is a Radical Act)

This was written because of "one of those times" when I had said or done something disturbing to my other half. I hated having those times and tried not to, but all marriages is being faithful to the end. Just like a Christ follower's life.

On Days Like This

I like things that sound reasonable and have reasons for speaking out.

Chris Wright is Right: Keep the Coal Plants Running

This is one of my older poems. I had done something that had upset Carol, my wife.

On Days Like This

Thank you. This is one of my older poems.

On Days Like This