Mike Bilo 

A man, a dog, a journey. Travelling beyond geographic borders. Bite-sized chapters you can read on the loo without your legs falling asleep.
Returning to Social Media after a month away.

No one ever teaches you to be a man. Instead, you're told what you're doing wrong. Chastised. Ridiculed. Bullied into acting a certain way. Going through life how you think you're supposed to, rather than according to how you feel. Toxic masculinity has led to an epidemic of lonely, depressed men, unaware of how to ask for help, unaware …

Being misunderstood can be a lonely way to live. Being unable to explain and help others understand can be even lonelier.

Seeing my eight-year-old niece upset recently broke my heart. I saw the pain of my younger self in her and wanted to help. So, I came up with an analogy to help her understand her mind, and in doing so, I found a way …

Casting Stones

The struggle for mental peace is endless with a neurodivergent mind. Overthinking, indecision, and self-doubt plague those of us searching for our place in a society not designed for our success. Exhaustion turns to desperation as we hop from one lily pad to the next, hanging on as tight as possible, hoping we've found a solution to the …

Expect the unexpected. One of many contradictions passed off as useful advice. A nonsensical catchphrase that's impossible to live up to. Trying to prepare for anything and everything takes away from the present and the enjoyment of life.

Things happen, and sometimes they hurt. But pain is part of being alive. One of life's great gifts is…

On Grief & Loss