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Initially I was going to argue but you're right. For example he could have started typing foot or even frog and the guy interuppted with his word assuming he was seeing something he wasn't and then edited the truth afterwards accidentally.

A gang of friends who I used to work with went to a medium once. One of the girls came back with a very long story about how her Nan had spoken to her. Her story was that the psychic came over to her part of the crowd and said "I have a message for somebody he…

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He could be lying. Or he could just be reacting to the incentives and engaging in motivated reasoning. I suspect Jesse favours the latter explanation over the former, which was the reason for his response.


I posted this earlier, but it is hard to understand just how desperate parents of autistic kids are for some positive emotional feedback from their kids. You pour in so much love, care, attention and money into them and hope for a crumb of love.

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Given that (1) most people aren't comfortable outright lying and (2) there are plenty of mechanisms by which people can deceive themselves without intentional lying, misunderstanding is at least as likely as lying.

Basically, it's a variation on Hanlon's Razor.

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Probably because accusing people of lying is a convenient way of not engaging with their ideas, and J+K would have some experience on being on the other end of that tactic.


The telepathy/FC stuff makes me very sad. I understand why parents want to believe, especially in cases where their children are non-verbal. I am troubled because inevitably the first sentence is “I LOVE YOU MOMMY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE AND I APPRECIATE ALL YOUR MANY SACRIFICES.” The mom connections here weren’t surprising.

However, I think in a strange way it actually diminishes the capacity that people with profound disabilities DO have. It’s like anthropomorphizing animals— making the …

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This thread is making me realize that basically every child horror movie protagonist of the past could self-diagnose as autistic today.

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Not sure if my child is autistic but he claims to see dead people, says some of them don’t even know they’re dead. The weird thing is he told me I can ask his psychologist all about it, but he doesn’t actually have a psychologist.