
🇬🇧 Hi everyone 🥰 today while writing the next newsletter (that’s coming out tomorrow!!!) I thought that would be nice to share in our little community something I started doing and I like very much ☺️ every morning at 6 am (GMT) - 7am (CET) I’ll write on a note 3 things I am grateful for, in my life and the day just started, and everyone can share theirs too! even if only one thing comes to mind is fine, the important thing is to train the gratitude muscle, that helps see the positive around us instead of focusing on the negatives 😇 our days will be better just for this little thought we do every morning. And if we do it together is easier to make this habit stick 🥰

And it would be nice to look back at them over time and see all the beautiful things we love together in this life !

see you tomorrow.. goodnight to everyone 😴
