Bea Warleta 

I used to own a fashion resale platform in Spain, and now I work in climate communications. I love fashion and the immense potential it has to be beyond sustainable — to become a splendid force for good.

People get exhausted by a barrage of climate doomist facts (even though they are accurate and true). But translate that reality into compelling narrative? Human brains seem to have unlimited appetite for a good story.

We ignore the power of storytelling to change the world at our peril!

#climatefiction #clifi #cli-fi #WriteWordsThatMatter

This is exactlyyy what I’ve been thinking about lately: consumer boycotts mainly keep us stuck in our role as consumers, and nothing more — which reinforces the current power structures within capitalism and changes nothing. We are told that choosing to buy one thing over an other is a way to exercise our “power”. But that isn’t power. It’s a distraction, a pacifier, a placebo.

Do Consumer Boycotts Work?
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Is there a cultural shift (finally) happening away from micro-trends? And are we shifting towards “vibes” instead? And could this be a very good thing that can potentially move us away from overconsumption?