AV guild Season 5 Proposal

AV Guild has been actively creating content for the YouTube channel and increasing awareness on those projects and collabs. These include DAOlationships AMAs, ETH Prague, tutorials, and audiograms and episodes from Making Bank, Bounty Hunter, Ab Initio and more . In order to achieve a quality work flow we have been sharing our best practices and helping new guild contributors to level up. The creation of these videos also allows for new bumpers and visual assets coming out of Design guild to achieve a fresh, on brand look for our new series as they spin up. This content gets disseminated again through all of the social media channels via Marketing Guild.

The long term goal is to monetize the channel and be able to receive grants and sponsorships. As well as being able to accept jobs from outside organizations by representing the quality of work delivered by Bankless DAO guilds and projects. We are looking to have more cross-guild collabs and spin up limited series especially with the increased live event activity. Our season 5 budget hasn’t changed much beyond a line item to include more bounty budget for producing the videos from those events. We have not yet paid out for ETH Prague and expect a similar volume of work coming out of ETH Barcelona.

Beyond the increased scope of work in S4 we also have ways for contributors to get involved and prove their skills via the new contributor bounty, tutorials level up series, and an open door for hearing ideas for making AV projects with anyone in the DAO.

Season 5 Budget 780,000 BANK

As of 7/7/2022, the AV Guild multisig holds 340,795.12 BANK.

Budget category Weekly 13wk Total
S5 Roles 33,000 429,000
Bounties 135,000
Coordinape (3 rounds) 150,000
Tooling (creators 50k, guild 21k) 71,000
Live events*post event content production 65,000

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  • No, I do not approve and will list reasons in the comments below.

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