Russia worries about joint military exercises between Armenia and US

Russia is concerned about the joint military exercises that will take place next week between Armenia and the United States. And for good reason, Moscow is considered a very close ally of Armenia, which sees with great concern this ally getting closer to Washington.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in the Kremlin in late 2018. AFP - ALEXANDER NEMENOV

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For several weeks, Armenia has been annoying its Russian ally, accused of not supporting it sufficiently against Azerbaijan. But by announcing joint military exercises next week with the United States, Yerevan has crossed a line in the eyes of Russia, which no longer hides its discontent.


Closer relations with NATO are unlikely to bring positive results "for the security of Armenia," the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said on Thursday (September 7th). Russia also reaffirmed its role as a security guarantor for Armenia and the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is not clear that this will be enough to reassure Yerevan, which accuses Moscow of not doing enough to lift the blockade imposed on the territory by Azerbaijan.


Either Russia can't do it or it doesn't have the will," Nikol Pashinyan said last week. The Armenian leader accuses Azerbaijan of preparing a new military provocation in the region by concentrating new military forces near the border and around Nagorno-Karabakh.

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  • Armenia
  • Russia
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