Why the ideal podcast length doesn’t exist


by Rhys Waters


Our clients often ask what the ideal length of a podcast is, some even come with a clear idea of a duration already. According to Libsyn's 2019 State Of The Industry Report, the average length of an episode is about 28 minutes. Is 28 minutes the right duration for you? Honestly, I have no idea.

Unless we start talking in more detail about your podcast strategy, averages and casual advice are meaningless. 


Some people will tell you to look at what everyone else is doing or to base it on your production cycle. This is backwards. Duration should be led by your audience, not you or others.

Coming to a conclusion about duration means asking questions like:

  • Who is the audience?

  • How will they consume the show?

  • What is the value of your content?

Let's break these down. If you're convinced your podcast is for everyone, then I can’t stress enough how badly you need to have more focus. Think about your topic, genre and tone and ask yourself realistically who will tune in and why?

A monthly, 3 hour long, casual chat about movies is likely going to be a great companion podcast for someone working a shift or driving a big rig cross country. This duration could be ideal as they want company and entertainment to pass the time, and can commit the time.

A 15 minute daily hit about finance news is the perfect fit for a busy professional having a quick morning workout or listening during the commute. It’s concise and consumable, it adds value to their routine rather than disrupting it.

In each of these examples you can see a narrower picture of the audience, understand how it may be consumed and see why the podcast is of value to them. A good exercise is to create an avatar for you perfect listener. Are they Jan the trucker or Kelly the banker? Do you want them to learn with an expert or just escape the moment with friends?

Once you have a better concept formed of who is listening and why, you can make a clearer choice on duration. It’s not set in stone and you can re-shape your podcast as your audience grows, but it’s a much better starting point to have some concept of who they might be.

The ideal duration is as unique to each podcast as it is to each listener. You’ll never make a podcast that is the right duration for everyone, but you can certainly design it to be perfect for a more focused audience.

Want advice on your shows duration? We’d love to help you and your team find the perfect match.

Rhys Waters