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Slow! Children Crossing

by Tidwell's Treasure

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Slow! Children Crossing 00:00 / 03:36
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everyone is just so very precious but not everyone here is gonna get this my tongue is a gun, my words are weapons the father, the son, the spirit said this: "I love the world to much to let it get to me, I love the world too much" are you tuned out or you tuned into this message? are you listening or are you transfixed by the image? i bet the world don't know why it's so offensive to strip the safety from the safest of spaces slow! children crossing! at 18 i was a soldier of war at 21 they let me in through the door at 33 they'll let me hang out to dry at 64 maybe they'll let me retire "I love the world to much to let it get to me, I love the world too much" in '76, the rockets' red glare in '84, nobody cared in y2k, the big bug bit in 2012, everyone quit slow! children crossing! mama hold my hand and look both ways! slow! children crossing! mama hold my hand and look both ways!


released April 8, 2019

Recorded at Caboose 2 Zion, Whately, MA, by Chris Ball. Mixed by Marc Seedorf. Mastered by Mark Alan Miller (Slow! Children Crossing) and Sean McMahon (

Sean McMahon - lead vocals, guitar
J Witbeck - bass, backing vocals
Tim Jangl - drums, backing vocals


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Tidwell's Treasure Northampton, Massachusetts

Part rock band, part circus. Tidwell's Treasure has Western Mass sweating on the dancefloor to the spontaneous combustication of their harrowing, high-energy sets. With their new self-titled debut album, they walk a tight rope between Zappa-style prog, 90's rock, and the rare groove funk of the 70's. If you're searching for the Treasure, it's advisable to get yer dancing shoes on. ... more

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