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Spotify's 2023 Wrapped Brings Some More Personality to Your Streaming Habits

Plus, Spotify's AI DJ will play your favorite tunes from 2023 and offer up a little extra info about them too.

Meara Isenberg Writer
Meara covers streaming service news for CNET. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in journalism. When she's not writing, she likes to dote over her cat, sip black coffee and try out new horror movies.
Meara Isenberg

The Me in 2023 feature.


What music did you stream in 2023? Once again, Spotify is laying it all out for its listeners. 

Starting Wednesday, eligible Spotify users can access -- and deck out their social media with -- their personalized 2023 Wrapped results, the music-streaming service's deep dive into your listening habits for the year. The Wrapped experience continues to present your top artists, genres, songs, podcasts and minutes listened, along with a few new inclusions. It's available in the latest app version and at spotify.com/wrapped

For 2023, Spotify's new feature "Me in 2023" assigns you one of 12 streaming habits that reflect your use, such as Luminary (you play light, upbeat music more than others), Alchemist (you create more playlists than others) and Shapeshifter (you're quick to move from one artist to the next). Last year, the service sorted users into a listening personality, and this seems like a similar feature. There's also a new feature called Sound Town, which matches you to a city based on your year of streaming. 

Spotify's AI DJ is also a part of this year's Wrapped experience. For one week, the DJ will provide commentary about artists, genres and songs, as well as music, based on what you listened to in 2023.

Spotify is the largest streaming service in the world based on paid subscribers, counting more than 200 million. An individual subscription is $11 a month. This is the ninth year of Wrapped, according to the streaming service.