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Leading the Movement for Childhood Independence

Leading the Movement for Childhood Independence
Play Video

Let Grow champions childhood, helping kids build confidence, resilience, and self-reliance through independent play and real life experiences. We are making it easy, normal, and legal to encourage independence in kids. Through our free resources, tools, and programs like the Let Grow Experience and Let Grow Play Clubs, we’re helping families and schools empower our next generations.

Leading the Movement for Childhood Independence
Play Video
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Yellow Half Circle
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How you can Help Change American Childhood

Want students to start doing and thinking more on their own? We’ve got independence-boosting projects, curricula and contests for kids K-12, and courses for teachers, too. Many are free!

  • Let Grow Experience
  • Let Grow Play Club
  • Think for Yourself Scholarship

Kids have the right to some independence, and parents have the right to give it to them— without getting arrested. Here’s how we’re shifting the legal landscape, and how you can help.

  • Advocacy Toolkit
  • Map of U.S. Neglect Laws
  • Model Legislation

Get started with free resources for parents and families. When you join Let Grow, you get access to our library of articles and popular printables. Let us help you with raising independent kids!

  • Let Grow Project and Independence Kit
  • Family Resources
  • Join Our Facebook Group

Leading The Movement

Celebrating Let Grow's Success in Fostering Independence for Kids

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Tools for Parents, Schools, and Communities to Boost Childhood Independence


Take immediate action in your home and neighborhood.

Family Pledge

You and your child can pledge to Let Grow and get 10 Weeks of Actions to get there.


Let Grow is in great company-find books by our founders, supporters, and friends.

State Laws

Parents know when kids are ready for some freedom, but you should know your state’s laws.


Browse our collections of great stuff like research, reading lists, and a documentary.

Let Grow Schools Across The Country

Let Grow Schools Across The Country

Let Grow Schools Across The Country
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