Kimberley A. Johnson

creating a podcast

  • 1,189 posts

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2 Lattes A year
 / month

Supporting the show for $1 a month is like treating me to two lattes a year for the work I do. You will receive my undying gratitude – always and forever. We'll keep you in the loop with exclusive show updates via the Patreon activity.

4 Lattes A year
 / month

$2 a month is a great way to support an indie podcast and it's like treating me to four lattes a year for the work I do. Undying gratitude is a given. 

Most popular
 / month

This tier offers "What's Up?" where I talk about whatever is on my mind at that moment. Kind of like an online diary every Tuesday. You'll also have access to bonus content for patrons-only that has a more personal feel.

The Everything Tier
 / month
This tier offers access to all shows--free and patrons only--and you'll also have access to the commercial-free, intro-free shows. 

 / month

This tier is for anyone who wishes to support indie podcasts and feels generous. You'll have access to all content. 

 / month

This tier is for anyone who wishes to support indie podcasts and feels extra generous. You'll have access to all content. 

$40 per month
 / month
This tier is for anyone who wishes to support indie podcasts and feels extra, extra generous. You'll have access to all content.
$100 per month
 / month
This tier is for anyone who wishes to support indie podcasts and feels extra, extra, extra generous. You'll have access to all content.

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Kimberley A. Johnson

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